SimVenture 2020 – The Itinerary

By   July 14, 2020

I will fly myself to the SimVenture event taking place at Oshkosh with my handcrafted Xplane based flight simulator.
Starting point will be the Class C Airport in Santa Ana, South California named after the famous artist John Wayne.

The current itinerary, covering a total distance of about 1698 NM in six legs is as follows (still subject to change):

Wednesday, July 15th: Santa Ana – Grand Canyon (KSNA -KGCN),
Distance: 330 NM,
Route:  PDZ  2CN8  CN23  GFS  1L4  PGS  KGCN,-114.14520263265945&chart=301&zoom=5&fpl=%20KSNA%20PDZ%20HEC%20GFS%201L4%20PGS%20KGCN%20KGCN
Abflug ca. 17:15 MESZ/08:15 PDT

This first leg is completed! In the last minutes of the flight, I spotted the wrong landing field and mistook KGCN with a field a few miles west. Eventually I became aware of that mistake and headed off to the right airport just 8 NM away.

Thursday, July 16th: Grand Canyon – Albuquerque (KGCN – KABQ)
Distance: 271 NM
Route: KGCN  KGUP 352129N1080150W  KGNT  350344N1074228W  ABQ  KABQ,-108.82530211962842&chart=301&zoom=2&fpl=%20KGCN%20KGCN%20KGUP%203521N10802W%20KGNT%203504N10742W%20ABQ%20KABQ%20KABQ
Abflug ca. 17:15 MESZ

Second leg completed! This time it was easy to spot the destination airport.
Getting closer to Oshkosh each day.

Friday, July 17th: Albuquerque – Colorado Springs (KABQ – KCOS)
Distance: 283 NM
Route: DNIDE  FTI V611 CIM V611 PUB,-101.70593261234319&chart=301&zoom=5&fpl=%20KABQ%20KABQ%20OTO%20ACH%20TCC%20KAMA%20KAMA
Abflug ca: 17:15 MESZ

Third leg done! This time both airports have been so-called “Charly” airports, so I had to deal with Clearance, Ground, Tower, Radar and Approach. Getting used to it!

Saturday, July 18th: Colorado Springs – Columbus (KCOS – KOLU)
Distance: 378 NM
Route: TXC V148 HCT  OZB  OBH V172 OLU,-91.71112059999368&chart=301&zoom=9&fpl=%20KAMA%20KAMA%20SLN%20KMHK%20RBA%20LMN%20CID%20KCID%20KCID
Abflug ca: 16:00 MESZ

The fourth and longest leg is done! 370 NM, 4 hours flight time. On this leg I left the PE coverage area to the east; that happened 40 NM west of OBH VOR.
While on approach to KOLU, Xplane on the PC driving the right external view crashed died to an vulcan device loss error.
I relaunched XP on that PC, but it affected the precison of the pattern.
That being said, I landed smooth.

Sunday, July 21th: Columbus – Madison (KOLU – KMSN)
Distance: 378 NM
Route: SCB  JWJ  DBQ,-89.73804473316996&chart=301&zoom=5&fpl=%20KCID%20KCID%20DBQ%20MSN%20KFLD%20KFLD
Abflug ca: 16:00 MESZ

Tuesday, July 21th: Maddison – Wittman Field (KMSN – KOSH)
Distance: 28NM
Abflug ca. 20:00 MESZ

Aircraft: C172, Callsign N4436E

The flights can be tracked live including cockpit view, progress of flight and radio communications on

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